Accessible & Inclusive – just like our beloved Birmingham.

My classes are open to all and I strive to create an accessible, non-competitive, safe and welcoming practice for everyone.  I encourage everyone to try yoga as I have found it to be so beneficial for my overall wellbeing. For me, yoga is all about showing up to the mat as you are, accepting yourself in the present moment and practising with patience.

You don’t have to have a certain body type to practice. I give alternative options for postures and remind people that taking a different one isn’t a sign of failure or taking the easy option!

Hatha Yoga & Gentle Practice

I teach Hatha yoga and favour a more gentle practice. By gentle I don’t mean lacking challenge or boring – I’m talking about finding some headspace to check in with ourselves, connect our movements to our breath and enjoy the postures before moving on to the next. I tailor my classes to the students in front of me and love seeing everyone develop in their practice so I can help you work up to new postures or help you break them down back to basics if that’s what you need.

Meet your Teacher – Emma Mills

Alright bab?! 

I’m Emma, founder of Yoga Bab, proud Brummie and yoga enthusiast. I first discovered yoga back in the early 2000’s when I bought Geri Halliwell’s ‘Geri Yoga’ on VHS, cleared a space in my living room and released my inner yogi and Spice Girl all at once! After years of practising yoga, I finally took the plunge to become a 200 hour qualified yoga teacher through a Yoga Alliance Professionals accredited course.

Yoga brings me so many physical and mental benefits. It’s helped me to increase my strength, flexibility and balance and as a keen runner it’s a great addition to my exercise regime to stretch out my tight hamstrings. I always feel better after practising yoga, both mentally and physically, even if I only have time to squeeze in a short practice, and I hope you’ll experience the same effect too.

In fact, my favourite moment when teaching a class is looking out to all those relaxed faces of the students at the end of the class – trust me, there’s a visible transformation that happens and some even look like they’ve just woken up from a fabulous nap, that ‘ah I needed that’ afterglow! some students do even nod off and wake themselves up by snoring during this deeply relaxing stage of the class – hey it happens, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about!

I value authenticity and am down to earth and hopefully you’ll see these values reflected in my classes. A few yoga classes I’ve attended as a student over the years have made me feel a bit intimidated, not very welcome into the ‘clique’ of regulars, or like I wasn’t good enough compared to others. So I created Yoga Bab for anyone who has ever felt the same or anyone who wants a welcoming, accessible, non-competitive, fun and relaxing class – you’ve come to the right place bab!

It’s not just yoga on offer too! Long before I first picked up that Geri Yoga VHS, I’d been drawing, painting and enjoying all the arts and crafts I could get my hands on for as long as I can remember! This too is my happy place and brings me space and some welcome mental rest from the hustle and bustle and stressors in life. Yoga Bab mindfulness workshops combine my love of all things art and crafts with my love of yoga – a powerhouse in mental and physical wellbeing in my opinion! Why not join me for one of my mandala drawing or painting workshops to find out for yourself. You don’t need to be Picasso, everyone is welcome!

I look forward to seeing you on the mat, ta-ra for now bab x